Tarella Tidings – A Brief BMHS news Update – 25 Sept. 2024


Garden Working Bee – Saturday 29 September commencing at 10am.

A Garden Working Bee will take place, weather permitting, on Saturday 29 September commencing at 10.00am to tidy the grounds at Tarella before Open Day. Again, any members with green thumbs are invited to help. Please Just turn up on the day.

Tarella Open Day – Sunday 30 September 2024.

A reminder that Tarella and the Society’s Hobby’s Reach Research Rooms will be open for inspection by members of the public, as well as our own members.  If you are able to spend a couple of hours between 10am and 3pm helping out on the day, please contact Robyne Ridge on 0419985546 or just turn up on the day. Any donations of food – cakes, biscuits, etc – for morning and afternoon teas for both visitors and volunteers would also be gratefully received. These can be dropped in to the Hobby’s Reach kitchen any time from 9.30am on Sunday.

Meeting and Public Talk – Saturday 5 October 2024 commencing at 10.30am. Morning Tea available from 10am.

Heather Knight, a long term member of Blue Mountains Historical Society, will speak to her recently released book on the little known aspects of Banjo Patterson’s family. Heather tells the story of Banjo’s ancestors, who, through the difficult struggle to establish themselves as settlers in their new country, raised a remarkable family of sportsmen, artists, musicians and poets. The family legacy is Australia’s legendary poet, Banjo Patterson. Heather will have copies of the book available for purchase on the day at the discounted price of $35. The famous BMHS monthly raffle will also take place as usual.

October Excursion – Upper Mountains Pub Crawl – Thursday 10 October. For more information and to book, contact Chris Webber on 0424720676

A reminder that the October Excursion will take place on Thursday October 10 departing from the BMHS Research Centre on Blaxland Road, Wentworth Falls, at 8.30am. The changed date is due to the availability of bus drivers.

The tour will commence at the Henry Hotel, Lawson (morning tea $10 cash??) and then visit the Grand Hotel, Wentworth Falls, the Palais Royale, Katoomba, the Carrington Hotel, Katoomba, with guide Paul Innes (tour $10 cash) and the Hydro Majestic, Medlow Bath (tour $10 cash). The bus cost of this excursion is $25, payable in cash on the day to Chris Webber. Lunch will be at Katoomba RSL at own cost.


One of our research volunteers is interested in any information any of our members might have about Alderman Bates and his time as BMCC mayor between 1961 and 1965.

If you know anything about Alderman Bates, please contact Robyne on 0419985546 or at ridgerobyne@gmail.com