BMHS Annual McLaughlin Lecture – Paul Sorenson: his Life and Career

Wentworth Falls School of Arts Great Western Highway, Wentworth Falls, NSW, Australia

Stuart Read will present an overview of the life and career of garden designer Paul Sorensen. This Danish-born nurseryman and 'place maker' worked on over 100 private projects spread across New South Wales, over the course of several decades. While best-known for his Blue Mountains gardens, he worked on Canberra, Illawarra, Central West and New […]

BMHS Meeting and Public Talk – Wal Walker – The Squatters’ Grab

Hobby's Reach Meeting Room 99 Blaxland Road, Wentworth Falls, NSW, Australia

Wal Walker will speak about the failure of governments, administrations and the judiciary to prevent or control the dispersal or violence against Aboriginal people, which he explores in his book, "The Squatters' Grab".


BMHS Meeting and PubIc Talk – Banjo Paterson – Boer War experiences and Blackheath Connection

Hobby's Reach Meeting Room 99 Blaxland Road, Wentworth Falls, NSW, Australia

Greg North, a member of the Blue Mountains Historical Society, will talk about Banjo Paterson’s Boer War experiences as a special war correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald, as well as outlining his links to Blackheath. Greg is currently working on a book to celebrate the 125 th anniversary of Paterson's Boer War lecture tour.
