Code of Conduct

The objects of the Blue Mountains Historical Society Inc. (referred to in this document as the ‘Society”) are outlined in the Constitution of the Society.

The Society, through the Management Committee, has on obligation to provide a safe and secure environment for members, volunteers and visitors to pursue these objectives and to protect the Society’s assets and resources

The Code of Conduct is the standard of behavior set by the Management Committee and expected of all members and volunteers of the Society.

Integrity. Members and volunteers must:

  • Act in a fair, honest and proper manner and according to the law.
  • Act with reasonable care and diligence.
  • Avoid any conflict of interest and not compromise Society interests.
  • Protect the privacy of members and clients of the Society.

Respect. Members and volunteers must:

  • Promote an environment of mutual respect, trust and acceptance, free of any form of intimidatory behavior.
  • Treat Society members and the public with honesty and fairness.
  • Deal with differing opinions by rational debate, respecting other individual values, beliefs, efforts and ideas.

Accountability. Members and volunteers must:

  • Ensure Society resources and assets are managed and used effectively, efficiently and for legitimate Society purposes.
  • Secure Society assesses and resources against theft, misuse, or willful damage.
  • Guard against wasteful practices.


The Management Committee is empowered under Sections 11 and 13 of the Constitution to take appropriate action to ensure these standards are adhered to by members and volunteers.

Date passed by Management Committee

July, 31,  2015