BMHS relies on a great team of volunteers to support the work of the Society. Many volunteers, like Ted, work to preserve the Society’s collections
Dr Meg Foster is the Chancellor’s Research Fellow in the Social and Political Sciences Faculty at the University of Technology, Sydney. Her talk was based
A Talk by Michael Duffy to the Blue Mountains Historical Story in 2023 recounting Tall Stories and Other Tales based on his latest book.
Fire stories, a lesson in time: the 1957 Leura fires. Link to video
Video of the official opening of Hobby’s Reach Research Centre extensions, Dec 3 1994, followed by a tour of Tarella cottage and the grounds. Click
Meeting & Public Talk – Andy Macqueen: “The Frenchman: Francis Barrallier, life and journeys 1772-1853”. Click on following link: Barrallier, a talk by Andy Maqueen
The Paragon, is it being restored ? Here are some memories. A restoration partition now surrounds the Paragon. Here is a meeting/presentation involving the ‘Friends
A showgirl’s Luck & the Lapstone Hotel, a historic perspective. John Lanser discusses the first ever ‘Talkie’ made in Australia, and where it was filmed.
A talk to the Blue Mountains Historical Society by former BMHS President, Alan Foster. The presentation linked below is a wonderful survey of Australian History
Breaking the Bank is a book about a true crime, in a raw and dangerous setting, and as cunning an array of villains as you
Mr Phil Hammon had a very interesting month in May/June 2024 trying to track down just how J B North unloaded his coal output at