The Annual General Meeting of the Blue Mountains Historical Society will be held on Saturday April 1st at 10.00 am. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGED TIME. The meeting and talk will be held at the Society’s rooms at 99 Blaxland Road, Wentworth Falls.
Mr Geoff Nadin will introduce us to the Stewart Dawson family who resided in Springwood. In 1938, ‘Truth’ newspaper asserted: ‘Than the Stewart Dawson family there is perhaps no better-known people in Australia’. Who was this family and why did their activities enliven the pages of ‘Truth’? Geoff Nadin, a retired Springwood businessman who has since discovered writing and local history, is an author of several short stories and “Treasure House”, the story of the Stewart Dawsons. He has captured the life style of the Roaring Twenties and Depression era in his story which he will share with us. Coffee, tea and biscuits will be available from 9.45 am. Meeting opens at 10.00 am, free for members, $5.00 for non-members |